Welcome to Campobianco

As of today my website is available. It took me a long time to decide to do it, partly for laziness, partly for lack of time, partly because I lacked the stimulus to put my head inside the confusion of hard disks, partly because I lacked a goad. For this I thank my friend Marco Gianantoni for having convinced me to value many years of artistic and creative activity and to stimulate me in delivering the necessary content to complete it. I made a journey within myself, a path through my creativity and I was surprised by the things I realized, some I had forgotten, others I had underestimated. In short, I found a way to give value to who I am without overestimating or underestimating. I wish you a good navigation and for anything you will find in the contacts my email to write me. Thank you for being here and I hope the journey is worth your precious time.